Thursday, October 16, 2008

The results are in!

Today I met with my doctor to review the results of my scans/tests from last week. I have only good news to report. As you may know I have metastatic disease or you can call it advanced/terminal/stage 4 cancer. So it started in the breast and then it spread to the liver and the bones. I had a lumpectomy done to remove the tumor from my breast but by the time they discovered that it had already spread. My liver was so covered with cancer spots/tumors that there were too many to count. The tumors were also quite large. I am pleased to announce that now I have roughly 15-20 spots on the liver and they are all less than 1cm in size. That is tremendous improvement...even the doctor didn't expect to see that kind of improvement. Of course she must not realize that God is in full control of my life and he is the one that is taking care of this cancer! The cancer in the bones has remained stable so that is also good news that it is not spreading. So the course of action now is to have three more sessions of treatment, get another set of scans, and then based on those results I may be able to take a break from chemo therapy. I will still be on "maintenance" drugs but to be off of chemo therapy well allow the body to return to "normal." No more chemo side effects...can't ask for anything better than that! So come end of December I should know if I will be able to take that break. It will be a great Christmas present indeed! But the bottom line is no matter what the final outcome is, it is all up to God and his master plan for my life. No matter what I am eternally grateful to him for all he has done and what he has allowed in my life.


yaadgyrl in philly said...

RAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Bullet bullet bullet....I am ecstatic for you girl! I will keep up the prayers since clearly they are working.

Thickness said...

Who says there is no God?? Girl I am soooooooooo over happy. Prayer is truly the only way to go. I love you much xoxoxoxo

Hyma said...

Wonderful news! With God all things are possible. I am very happy for the wonderful news. Cheers to the power of prayer!

Luv U

Myrnat said...

Yeah, this is great news! I am sooooo happy for you, this will be a great Christmas in deed. I guess we need to start finalizing plans for Africa then...LOL

Love you, it's almost over and we can see the finish line.

Juelis said...

Praise God...... Cancer Suck, God RULES!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good news as I gotta have FAITH ppl!!! I am still praying for your continued healing but I am very glad you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Glenesha said...

That is awesome news!!! GIVE THANKS for all His blessings!

Unknown said...

Yipeeee!! I saw your blog on Molly's facebook page. I never expected to read such good news. I am so happy for you! You are in our thoughts and prayers EVERY day.

dapperd said...

Thank god for the good news!

Vex said...

Amazing results and news. God is sneaky like that, He always shows up in ways to reveal HE is the only one in control. Praise Him Always!!!

LivePassion said...

The Light of God surrounds you. The Love of God enfolds you. The Power of God protects you. The Presence of God watches over you. Wherever you are, God is and all is well. And so it is.
Cedar Park

Allison said...

Glory to GOD! The prayers continue without ceasing. love you!

Patty-J said...

I am so happy for you. I pray that you continue to do well and grow stronger with each day.

GOD Bless

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. The tears are still falling from my eyes. I am so happy for you. Anything is possible with the Lord on your side. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.