Friday, November 28, 2008

Giving Thanks

This thanksgiving I have so much to give thanks for. Not that I haven't had alot to give thanks for in previous years, but this year alot has happen. There was even the chance that I might not have been around this holiday season. That in itself of something to be grateful for. When I review this past year, especially the events that took place in May which have taken me on this journey, I realize that life is so precious...and in a matter of moments can be changed forever. This year I want to especially give thanks for all my friends that were there for me and had the foresight to realize something was wrong and take action. I don't remember alot of the details of how it all went down but maybe that is a good thing. Also want to thank all my family as well for pitching in where I needed them the most. God has truly blessed me!


Anonymous said...

You are worth every blessing you receive girlfriend. Continue giving thanks because showing gratitude is a wonderful quality that most people tend to forget these days.

Darlene said...

you are loved dearly by so many!!