So I picked up the package of my new treatments today...delivered to the apartment. So I got a good hard look at my "horse pills" that I will be taking and divided them up into my cute pill containers so I don't forget a day. On face value nothing major, I mean they are just pills like the many others I take and have taken in the past. But then you read some of the reading material that comes along with it that have such wonderful descriptions on side effects and "do's" and "don'ts" and it gets you to thinking, just what all comes along with taking these meds. But the point is the good outweighs the bad right? So no matter what the goal is to stop the cancer however possible.
So now its time to pray and man up to prepare to begin the new regimen in the morning. I think I have read enough online blogs and postings on these meds to know to have some Imodium ready for possible diarrhea and lotion for the possible "hand/foot syndrome" But still, the unknown is still scary and its hard to face.
You may become discouraged but remember that you have not been defeated. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest and abide in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears.
I won't be solemn or defeated. I will continue to pray for your healing and comfort. The battle truly is the Lord's and He will see you through...
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