Monday, June 29, 2009

Last Options: Clinical Trials

As you guys know I recently had my last set of scans and it showed regression in the brain and spinal cord area. Basically mean that I have gotten worse in the brain and this latest chemo option that I was on: Tykerb/Xeloda did not work to cross the Blood/Brain barrier and reduce the number of tumors and other brain metastasis that I have going on in there. So its been about 3 weeks since I have been on no treatment at all. At this point there is no chemo treatments that are working to cover the barrier so now its back to the fundamentals: God's treatment! I mean it's been his work all this time, but this is truly when we will see what he has in store.

I am also utilizing one more option to try: clinical trials. I start phase 2 of a clinical trial on July 2nd here at the Cleveland Clinic. It is a new drug I believe that they are hoping crosses this blood/brain barrier and can provide proof of PROGRESSION for the participants...and I sure hope I can be one of those participants that sees some improvement! The drug is called patupilone and it is administered as a single intravenous infusion over 20 minutes every 3 weeks. So for those that have or are getting IV chemo you know the deal...get in you infusion room with the TV and magazines and wifi access (praise GOD for the Internet access!!) and you sit and wait for pharmacy to bring up your meds...they call the secondary nurse for a chemo check, they make you say your name and birthday for the 50th time and hook up that drug in my case to your handy dandy power port in your chest and off you go. I think this drug might be a tad more toxic than the last IV chemo drugs I had but we will see. I guess once again gotta take the side effects with what real effects that you want to achieve! And at this point, this is my only option here! So lets see what we can get out of it! And again keep in mind the big picture that no matter how this ends up it was all God's plan bottom line.

Even more important...please pray for me as they are making me take tests again...that means me verses the MRI machine...again...for HOURS!!! Roarrrrrrrrrrrr

And I have written about this clinical trial now for like 3 postings and keep on forgetting that I wrote about it....Brain please MAN UP and stop having me repeat myself!!! I promise to change the subject next time!!!


Daria said...

Damn it ... cancer is the worst. Hoping the clinical trials will help.

My prayers are with you ...

Vex said...

I know the MRI machine is the devil!!!! Why these folks want people to do a bunch of stuff? I pray they change their mind.

Anonymous said...

Praying for your healing as always.